With over 50 years of family history in the Estate Sale, Real Estate, Land, Personal Collection, Large Item, Farm, and Business Industrial equipment market, you can rest assured we know the right way to handle your sale. What makes us unique is we have the specialist available that knows each market.
Many greater Cincinnati estate sales or liquidation companies only speacialzie in one form of sales and often don’t even valuate your items, generating far less in return for your valuable items. With them you can bet they’ll recomend their style of sales. We can conduct your sale by tagged sale, online auction, private treaty or set you up for a public live cry auction depending on whats best for your situation. We have members on our team or in our roledex with decades of experience to help us identify and propperly assess each item of personal property or business equipment.
We are able to assess the uniqueness of each sale situation and recommend the correct route. Whether you have personal property from a small estate to millions of assets in a commercial or industrial setting or anything in between we can recommend and conduct the process for you.
We use online web auctions, live cry public auctions, private treaty, estate tag sales, direct purchase and liquidations.
Small example of what we and our partners do:
Personal Estate Sales, agricultural, residential and commercial real estate – including farms, vacant land, homes, estates, commercial buildings and business liquidations. Examples of the types of products and Industrial equipment includes: Farm Equipment, Boats, Restaurant Equipment, Construction Equipment, Manufacturing Equipment, Networking Equipment, and more.
We are headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, but our estate footprint covers Southern Ohio, Eastern Indiana and Northern Kentucky. Our commercial and Industrial experience extends to national and even international markets. Our reputation for providing reliable, honest advice, along with our talent for achieving dramatic results, is helping us become a leader in Auctions and property sales.
For a complimentary consultation click here.